viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019



Normalmente los Kickstarter de miniaturas son de grandes empresas, y aunque ya he participado en alguno que monta una persona sola, con una calidad buena, este es mi segundo intento y he quedado satisfecho con él. Apenas unas cuantas miniaturas, pero que van muy bien con la gama de Games Workshop, varias facciones y variedad, justo lo que buscaba. Se trata del trabajo de Carlo Borella, un italiano que está al frente de su propia empresa: Cabor Miniatures.

Normally the Kickstarter miniatures are large companies, and although I have already participated in one that mounts a single person, with good quality, this is my second attempt and I was satisfied with it. Just a few miniatures, but they go very well with the range of Games Workshop, various factions and variety, just what I was looking for. It is the work of Carlo Borella, an Italian who is in charge of his own company: Cabor Miniatures.

Para empezar tres orcos con lanza, el esculpido no es perfecto, pero no están nada mal.

To start three orcs with spear, the sculpted is not perfect, but they are not bad.

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Aquí dos guerreros que van a pasar a engrosar mi ejército de Dunland.

Here two warriors who are going to swell my Dunland army.

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Los Vigilantes de Karna sí que dan el pego perfectamente, parecen realmente de Games Workshop.

The Watchers of Karna do give the hit perfectly, they really look like Games Workshop.

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Y por último tres Semi Trolls, que tienen poses muy dinámicas también. Y una foto con un Semitroll de Games Workshop, para que se vea que casan perfectamente.

And finally three Semi Trolls, which have very dynamic poses too. And a photo with a Semitroll from Games Workshop, so you can see that they are perfectly sized.

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