martes, 10 de febrero de 2015



Ya he podido empezar a pintar, y aunque se me apetece otra cosa, tengo que seguir con el esquema cromático que ya tienen mis otras miniaturas de Uruk-hai de Mordor, así que pieles azules y ropajes en marrón. Eso sí, estos llevan mucha armadura, mithril y demás, cosa que los anteriores apenas si llevaban, así que ahí sí podré usar colores nuevos (tampoco es que vaya a poner nada raro).

Por ahora lo que he pintado son el comienzo de las pieles, en azul claro, y no van mal, lo que pasa es que los anteriores Uruk-hai de Mordor iban muy tapados, y estos sin embargo van medio desnudos, así que el azul se ve de lejos, y quedan un poco (o bastante) raros.

Now I could start painting, and although I fancy something else, I have to stick with the color scheme already have my other miniatures from Mordor's Uruk-hai, so blue fur and brown clothes. Yes, they carry much armor, mithril and others, which earlier had barely so then yes I can use new colors (not that going to put anything weird).

By now you've painted are the beginning of fur, light blue, not go wrong, what happens is that previous Mordor's Uruk-hai were very clogged, and yet these are half naked, so blue seen from afar, and get a little (or a lot) rare.


Esta noche a ver si puedo pintar un ratito más, no sé si seguir con estos o empezar a pintar la piel de los otros cinco.

Tonight to see if I can paint a little longer, do not know whether to go with these or start painting the skin of the other five.

2 comentarios:

  1. These will turn out fine - I was a bit reluctant first at the different style, but hey, with time and your typical good paintjobs... :D

    1. Thanks a lot Llama. I was not sure with them at first, like you, but now I think they're ok. The only thing I would like to change is the blue skin, but the Mordor's Uruk-hai I have finished a few months ago are with blue skin, and I must continue with that scheme...
      Tomorrow first three finished... or near to finish.
