sábado, 4 de abril de 2020



Gracias al amigo Shagrat me ha vuelto el gusanillo de pintar, y es que viendo sus magníficos Ents me han entrado ganas de pintar alguno más. Miré los que tenía almacenados y a punto he estado de ponerme con el Crémharunc, un bicharraco increíble, pero he decidido empezar por algo más pequeño y viendo que me faltaban dos de Majestic Bear Miniatures, Willow y Linden, y los lavé con jabón y monté con pegamento. Lo peor ha sido encontrar una de las peanas, he encontrado una con dos agujeros, pero como no hay otra cosa voy a usar esa, le rellenaré los huecos.

En fin, voy a aprovechar para presentarlos a El Desafío de Abril, parece la cuarentena va para largo aún, y voy a tener tiempo para pintar...

Thanks to the friend Shagrat the painting bug has returned to me, and it is that seeing his magnificent Ents I have wanted to paint some more. I looked at the ones I had stored and I was about to get on with the Crémharunc, an incredible bicharraco, but I decided to start with something smaller and seeing that I was missing two Majestic Bear Miniatures, Willow and Linden, and I washed them with soap and I mounted with glue. The worst has been finding one of the bases, I have found one with two holes, but since there is nothing else I am going to use that one, I will fill in the holes.

Anyway, I am going to take the opportunity to present them to El Desafío of April, it seems the quarantine is going to be long, and I will have time to paint ...


ENT 001

ENT 002

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